output equation

美 [ˈaʊtpʊt ɪˈkweɪʒn]英 [ˈaʊtpʊt ɪˈkweɪʒn]
  • 网络输出方程
output equationoutput equation
  1. The Network State Equation and Output Equation Automatically Formulated by Computer


  2. That is , a control vector is drawn into the output equation of the system .


  3. An Analysis on Discriminator Output Equation


  4. Furthermore , using state update equation and output equation , we prove the good memory capacity of the model .


  5. Structural Properties of RLC Networks over F ( z ) and Node - voltage Output Equation


  6. By changing the output equation and target function of control system , we can establish many semi-active suspension vehicle models .


  7. In the first chapter , this paper introduces the conditional Leontief model and the corresponding conditional input and output equation .


  8. And then designs the structure of SINS based on rate biased ring laser gyro , founds the system output equation ;


  9. From Chapter Two to Chapter Four , we study the conditional input and output equation and obtain the solvability theorem under certain conditions .


  10. ⅱ) Deduce the output equation of RLC networks with independent source and without independent source over F ( z ) .


  11. The correspondent relations between number and figure and between the number chain and the general output equation are set up with the number chain .


  12. By applying important theorems in nonlinear analysis , some solvability results about this kind of conditional input and output equation are obtained under certain conditions .


  13. Based on the channel and detector characteristics of a submarine laser communication system , the output equation for the signal to noise ratio is derived and simplified .


  14. Based on the state equation and output equation , this paper proposes the ultimate stable state of each cell is related to the state of each cell in the process .


  15. In this paper , the authors try to provide an explanation based on knowledge accumulation which is classified into ' learning by doing and learning by R & D and included into the aggregate output equation .


  16. A new output equation of SRM is derived in this paper without considering the assumption of current waveform and inductance character , the average value of current , current waveform factor and conversion coefficient are also introduced .


  17. For LRS , a universal ( 1 , N ) paralleling method is presented by discussions on the system state equation and the output equation . And the computing arithmetic is identical for arbitrary parallel number .


  18. According to the theory of equivalent eddy-current , detailed the principle of the angle-displacement eddy-current transducer from angle of theory and calculation and analyzed the form of invert-torque , and deduced its output equation .


  19. Using Lagrange method to construct 2 , 4 , and 7 DOF automobile semi-active suspension system based on MR fluid damper . On the basis of it , writing out the state equation and output equation according to state space method .


  20. As to the linear systems with time-varying delay both in state and control input , as well as with uncertainties both in sate equation and output equation , state observer based design methods for strong stabilizing controllers of system are studied .


  21. In this paper we do some research on gyro-free inertial measurement as follows : We do some researches on the calculation of angular velocity which is quite critical in inertial measurement system and also deduce the output equation of the accelerometers in a specific coordinate .


  22. The construction and theory of position sensitive detection ( PSD ), the output equation at the presence of steady stray light are mainly introduced in this paper . In the same time , the methods of eliminating the steady stray light and the results of experiments are given .


  23. The main idea of this paper is that the state and output equation groups of linear proper network are deduced by using the independent branch method , selecting the proper tree according to the topologic graph of network and using capacitance voltage and inductance current as the state variables .


  24. Basing on the poly-port network equation characterized by hybrid factor matrix in poly-port network , this article deals with the principle and method which automatically formulate the state equation and output equation of the network with controlled-current source and mutual inductance by direct method in CAA of circuit .


  25. Output power equation and numerical integrating method of a positive-branch unstable confocal resonator


  26. Multiple input and single output difference equation is applied to build up multi-branch river hydraulic process forcast difference equation model .


  27. According to the improved correction algorithm , model calibration software is carried out on matlab / GUI development platform in this paper , the software enables import CW data , output correction equation , and error analysis .


  28. Based on the simplified thermal equilibrium equation , equation governing the polarization current of the pyroelectric crystal , and the output circuit equation , two general equations relating radiation power to the output voltage for pyroelectric detector are derived .


  29. Then based on the production function , the chapter constructs a new output growth equation , which reflects the quantitative change of input factors and the change of productivity . This provides theories and methods for measuring the contribution of each decisive factor in economic growth .


  30. A New Approach to Assign Output Variables for Equation oriented Process Simulation
